In The Company of Serpents (Denver)

In The Company of Serpents

I’m not sure how Doom Metal got its name, but I can tell you for certain how its sub-genre, Sludge Doom, got its name. Sludge Metal, like the band, In The Company of Serpents, has a thick-as-sludge sound. That and it’s slow, like you’d be if you had to wade through sludge, which technically is industrial wastewater, which seems fitting, because Sludge Metal is in no way clean or pretty.

From the heavy jam of the intro, to the sexiness of the groove of ‘Dirtnap’, In The Company of Serpents represents all of this perfectly. Grant Netzorg plays such a heavy guitar sound that it could sink ships while also growling out gritty vocals. All the while his compatriot on the drums, Joseph Weller Myer, beats out a slow and constant wall of sound.

The two words I was thinking about while listening to this music and contemplating writing about it were, ‘smooth’ and ‘gritty.’ Gritty, as I said before, because of the way Grant sings and smooth because over all, it all comes together to form a really smooth package. Which isn’t to suggest that I’m saying it’s either clean or poppy, but just that it washes over you and keeps you rocking along to it from start to finish.
If you want some groovy Sludge Metal to lose yourself in for a little while, I definitely recommend In The Company of Serpents. Listening to their music is like taking a long ride on a cool summer night.

You can buy their music on their bandcamp and support independent music.



In case you don’t believe me: Other great reviews & interviews:

Sludgelord Review

Sludgelord Interview

Doommantia Review

Doommantia Review II


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